Why is the data displayed on Expression Measure, inconsistent?

Why is the data displayed on Expression Measure, inconsistent?

The data displayed on Expression Measure can be inconsistent if the data to be displayed contains decimal values. You have to alter the query in the computation of the expression. For example, the expression measure to compute the Inventory Turns Value at SP is (net sales / avg inventory value at sp) * (12 / number of months selected). On the expression measure it is displayed, (SUM(C3)/((SUM(C2472)+SUM(CASE(WHEN DATE_KEY = #startenddatekey# THEN C2474 ELSE 0 END)) / (#monthdiff# + 1))) * (12/#monthdiff#). The month ranges do not display the correct value. For example, When the month ranges are 5,7,8,9,10 and 11 months (January to May, or February to August). The rest of the months display the correct value. The value for (12/#monthdiff#) is always a whole number. It will not consider the decimal in the computation solution. So alter (12/#monthdiff#) to (12/#monthdiff#*1.0).