This problem can occur if the 'showColumn' is not defined for both Vendor and Promotion dimensions in the mssql_dbmodel.xml file. Place the showColumn attributes for both these dimensions and re-cache changes, the advance search for description for ...
In "admin_db2_warehouse.xml", for the queryid "WWCAL14", we need to change the database name as highlighted below: SELECT (SELECT MONTH_IN_YEAR FROM DIM_DATE WHERE DATE_FLD = ?) - (SELECT MONTH_IN_YEAR FROM DIM_DATE WHERE DATE_FLD = ? ) AS MONTH_DIFF ...
This issue can occur if the 'showColumn' is not defined for both Vendor and Promotion dimensions in the mssql_dbmodel.xml file. Place the showColumn attributes for both these dimensions and re-cache changes, the advance search for description for ...
The '$' symbol can be used while creating new measures, but there is some limitations using it in measures browser for searching measures. So it is recommended not to use '$' symbol while searching for measures, instead use the other part of the ...