Upload the labels in relevant tables given below. Dashboards ----> ADMIN_LANGUAGE_DASHBOARD Graphs ------> ADMIN_LANGUAGE_KPI Self-service Bar ---> ADMIN_LANGUAGE_UTILITY
You have to modify the properties of the graph for the scroll bar to get displayed. Do the following: 1. Login to the Administrator module. 2. Select Graph Management 3. Select the required Graph 4. Select Modify Graph > Graph Properties 5. Select ...
You can try by altering the properties of the graph whether to display the scroll bar in the dashboard or not. The property can be modified by logging into Administrator module --> Graph Publisher -->Navigate to the particular Graph --> Modify graph ...
Perform the following steps to hide self-service bar in Analyst module: 1. Login to the Admin module. 2. Navigate to Configuration Module => ARC Parameters => Application Config 3. Select the option 'Yes' from the Hide Self-Service Bar drop-down ...
The graphs configured in the Dashboard is expected to show a brief information and accommodate minimal data. Therefore avoid configuring data for YTD/SKU level filters.