The password information sent via email when a new user is created should appear in 'Spanish' language. How can this be achieved?
In order to receive the mail content in Spanish language, ensure that the below specified property values contain the equivalent spanish translations in the '' file: a) arc.hello = (S) Hello b) = (S) Best Regards, c) arc.system.admin = (S) ARC System Admin d) = (S) Welcome to ARC, e) = (S) retail performance management system. You can now access the system using your login details, f) = (S) Please keep your login details confidential. If you lose or forget your login details, please contact ARC system admin g) = (S) to request for a new login details. h) = (S) Your User ID i) arc.ur.password = (S) Your Password The below specified property value must also contain the equivalent spanish translation in the '' file: j) arc.password.reset.successfully = (S) Password has been Reset Successfully.