Is there any option to remove 'undefined portlets' from the dashboard?
Is there any option to remove 'undefined portlets' from the dashboard?
No. The dashboard portlets are components of a dashboard layout which is fixed. Hence, the undefined portlets cannot be removed individually from the dashboard.
A property pertaining to dashboard cache needs to be enabled after which the dashboards will load considerably faster. The property is as mentioned below: arc.dashboard.cache.enabled = yes By enabling this property, we are caching the dashboard ...
We have to first remove dashboards that are assigned under 'My Balance Scorecard' under Balance Scorecard Publisher and set the following property in Path: Tomcat\webapps\config arc.cpm.enable = no and do the recache changes.
Ensure the following for proper display and functioning of the dashboard portlets: 1. Latest Adobe Flash player (with relevant plugins) has to be installed in servers from where ARC is accessed. 2. If the browser IE 8 & above is used, then the IE ...