Following Queries are referred by the Application. Please verify and change as per the requirement. File : warehouse.xml Path-(Tomcat\webapps\MA\config) MAINMENU4 SELECT MAX(DATE_KEY) FROM DIM_DATE WHERE WEEK_NUMBER_THIS_YEAR = (select ...
If a user intends to view previous week's data, then the following property needs to be increased in "" file. For example, week Range =14 and if you increase one number then you are able to see one additional week previous to the one ...
You can configure the number of weeks to appear in the 'weekly/week range' filter. This option is available under: Administrator -->Configuration-->ARC Parameters -->Analytical Configuration. Once you have made changes, re-cache changes for the ...
In '' file, set the below configuration and 'Re-cache changes for the changes to take effect': arc.filterpopup.pagination = 1000 (a suitable value)
If there are issues in the displaying order in filters, delete that default Time filter and add the filters as per the order. Republish the KPI. This will resolve the issue and will be reflected to all the users.