How do I increase the number of filter values appearing in the filter pop-up page?
How do I increase the number of filter values appearing in the filter pop-up page?
In '' file, set the below configuration and 'Re-cache changes for the changes to take effect': arc.filterpopup.pagination = 1000 (a suitable value)
If a user intends to view previous week's data, then the following property needs to be increased in "" file. For example, week Range =14 and if you increase one number then you are able to see one additional week previous to the one ...
You may face this issue if the database is SQL Server 2008 R2. You have to use a driver class suitable for SQL Server 2005. Ensure the following for the filter values to be displayed on the filter pages: 1. Change the driver class to ...
If the database used is SQL server 2008 R2, there might be issues with the specified driver class. The driver class might be suitable for SQL Server 2005. Ensure the following changes are carried out for filter page to show-up filter values: a) ...
Set the filter style as 'Advanced Pop-up Filter' in the metadata management for the particular dimension Path: Administrator-->Metadata Management, for the pagination to get displayed in filter pop-up page.