How can I start/stop Tomcat and HSQL services in AS400 Environment ?

How can I start/stop Tomcat and HSQL services in AS400 Environment ?

Execute the following commands in an AS400 Environment. Modify them based on the environment where you run. (For example, For Linux, replace it with Linux-specific commands.) To Start Tomcat: SBMJOB CMD(QSH CMD('/home/ARC_SETUP/ARC585_DEV/bin/')) JOB(ARCDEV_S) JOBQ(QSYSNOMAX) To Stop Tomcat: SBMJOB CMD(QSH CMD('/home/ARC_SETUP/ARC585_DEV/bin/')) JOB(ARCDEV_E) JOBQ(QSYSNOMAX) To Start HSQLDB: SBMJOB CMD(QSH CMD('/home/ARC_SETUP/HSQLDB/database/')) JOB(HSQL_S) JOBQ(QSYSNOMAX) To Stop HSQLDB: SBMJOB CMD(QSH CMD('/home/ARC_SETUP/HSQLDB/database/')) JOB(HSQL_E) JOBQ(QSYSNOMAX) NOTES: 1) The Tomcat path and HSQL path mentioned in the above commands is for illustration only. Identify the corresponding Tomcat as well as HSQL paths and replace them. 2) In the .sh files of HSQL, mention the appropriate jar file location.