How can I configure Tomcat/HSQL in 64-bit OS?

How can I configure Tomcat/HSQL in 64-bit OS?

Please consult ARC Support for advanced configuration. Follow these instructions to configure Tomcat/HSQL in 64-bit OS. 1. Copy the appropriate Java version from baselines (jdk-1_5_0_15- windows-amd64.exe) and install the JAVA a) Add JAVA_HOME and set the path of installed java (64-bit) version in environment variables. 2. Copy the tomcat folder (if access constraints take at least bin folder) from 64 bit version of Tomcat. a) Open the 'service.bat file' under 'tomcat\bin folder' and change the display name according to the specified name and save the file. b) Navigate to the path (till bin folder) in command prompt and type ?service install?. The tomcat service is created. c) Open services.msc and start the tomcat service. 3. Copy the HSQL folder to the required location. a) Install JAVA 32 bit version (jdk-1_5_0_15-windows-i586-p.exe). Do not update any environment variables with this installation. b) Replace the '%JAVA_HOME%' value with the 'Java path' (where 32-bit is installed) in 'Install_hsql_service.bat'. c) Run the batch file to create the HSQL service. Please consult Support team for related installables if you dont have.